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Home / All Classes / Masterclasses / The Soya Updo Masterclass
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Take your career further and develop your skills. Learn everything it takes to be equipped as a professional freelance bridal hairstylist from the comfort of your home and at your own pace. You have the liberty of watching the videos as many times till you’ve mastered each and every detail. More online training tutorial videos coming soon
Looks just exactly like a boat! How cool is that? Similar to the U-bun but a completely different technique. Pair this boat with a sweet braiding pattern and you are about to hit jackpots with your clients. Enjoy learning!
It doesn’t get simpler than this. Although a simple technique, not a predictable one. This Updo is simple and elegant. Perfect for women that believe less is more. Enjoy learning
This updo uses the ‘twist/pull technique’. A very finger-focussed technique. This updo is easy and fun to do and will get you ahead in the hairstyling industry. With this updo, your eye for detail will be tested and tried! Enjoy!
Ever seen or eaten from the royal dansk cookie collection? There’s a particular Cookie called swiss and looks just like this updo; hence the name (Lol). Also, this updo is just as yummy!
Using the finger-shaping technique, this updo will get your hands dirty, literally! Dirty but worth it! The end result will have you swooning over your creation. Enjoy!
This updo is a statement piece. Simple yet intricate. Easy to do paired with some complex techniques. WOW your clients and students with this eye-catching updo piece that will set you apart. A truly creative piece that will get your creative juices flowing.
The Anna is one of the proposed looks of 2022/2023. It is highly intricate and requires a unique pin-tuck method that you won’t learn anywhere else. The Anna updo Is so beautiful and will leave everyone in awe of your work. We advise you to sit tight and be fully awake as we teach you this tricky but intriguing hairstyle. WATCH NOW to add this technique to your bag of skills.
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